Tuesday, 4 February 2014


The power of the internet can be a wonderful thing. I'll happily get on board with an entertaining or worthy viral campaign. I've even been know to participate in the odd Harlem Shake lurking somewhere deep in the depths of YouTube, though this was not one of my crowning moments. However, the latest viral craze, sweeping over our social media pages from our sunny cousins down under is Just.Plain.Stupid. 

For anyone that has been living under a non-wifi enabled rock for the last few weeks, 'neknomination' includes videoing yourself 'neking' (the australian equivalent of 'downing') a pint of alcoholic substance, at best a beer, at worst...I dread to think, and then nominating a friend to do the same.

At this point, I could blather on, about despite how extremely cool this may make you seem to your friends, 5,000 people under the age of 21 die every year due to alcohol related causes, and how the 7 fatalities already resultant of 'neknomination' make this a terrifically dangerous and asinine thing to do...

But instead, I'll simply direct your attention to an alternative 'neknomination' from the inspiring @RazzleMonster.... Let's do this instead. #OnlyGoodThings

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